Thursday, January 05, 2006

Rain Rain Rain...

is all that's going on here today. It's tricky rain, too, because it'll stop for a while so I go out and start working, then it starts again. And rains so hard and so suddenly that I have to run for cover!

So, I worked as much as possible today while continually running for cover. I'm working on my little vegetable garden again, weeding it and just loving it up. Some of the little babies will be ready to eat soon.

Not much else to report... so I'll post a photo of me on the lanai taken on New Year's Day, as per the request of SW:


Anonymous said...

Hey Steph! Thanks, you made my day!
Talk soon :)

tina said...

That place looks awesome. You look even awesomer! How many times have people told you they were jealous?

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you talking about eating babies. Glad to hear some things haven't changed. By the way, I got your voicemail and have been a jerk not to respond. Our apartment situation has gone quickly to shit and we're scrambling to recover. More soon...

Stephanie said...

I think this next post will dry up the jealousy business, and quick!
Also, sorry to hear about the apartment troubles... no worries about calling, just call/email when shit calms down.