but nothing much new going on.
I've been working on a path to the bathhouse, which involved digging out the grass and then digging a trench in which to put the plastic path edging. Then we cover the path with weedcloth and pour gravel over it. It looks pretty cool and should make the walk to the batthouse even less exciting. (Did I tell you? I walk there in the dark now! No flashlight!)
Anyway. That's what we've been working on this week. We also had some people camping out in the pasture, and one of them was named Quasar. So there's that.
We went to the beach the day before yesterdy, and there was a surf advisory due to 15-20 foot waves. The beach we went to, Mahukona, is not a conventional beach at all but an old port for the sugar plantations. As you can see from the first photo, there's no sand, just a concrete platform and you jump from it right into the water. Well, we hung out there for a while, watching the waves to see if it was really bad. Every time (except once) that I've been to the beach here there has been a surf advisory, and I've always gone in and been fine. This time was different. As we were standing on the dock, a huge wave hit and really did shoot up twenty feet into the air. I, of course, ran for my life. After that we left.
Yesterday we went to the Mauna Lani again (the one where the water is as clear as in a glass) and we swam a little while. It was rough though, and because the surf is still bad it was very murky. There is so much coral there and I tried to swim, but with the zero visibility I banged my knee on it and cut it up. Did I tell you guys that I had cut my butt, thighs, and hands on some rocks swimming on Saturday with that boy I like? That was embarassing.
So. We're supposed to be working on the path some more, but the tractor has a flat and so we're stuck. Maybe another beach day...?
Just so you guys know: I'm never leaving this place.
P.S. Anyone notice this article in the New York Times? I'm not going to comment on co-sleeping here. I just want you to look deeply into the eyes of the dads.
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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